Adding these carbohydrates to your diet can reduce your risk for high blood sugar because they are more digestible than simple carbs. Guarana can be used in a similar manner to aid insulin secretion and function. Oatmeal, which is high insoluble fiber, is a good carbohydrate. Blood sugar control is best achieved through diet, exercise, sleep, and good nutrition. Diabetes can be caused by a deficiency or inability to respond to insulin. If your data shows that you are at high levels at bedtime, then the culprits are likely to be food and medication. However, talk to your diabetes care team about your own blood glucose targets, and what level is too low for you. Regardless of how intense, any activity that regularly gets you moving is better than a sedentary life. According to a 2017 University of Florida University study, even adults of healthy body weight, couch potatoes have higher blood sugar than people who are more active. People who have diabetes for a while may experience a loss of ability to sense low blood Sugar. When low blood glucose isn't treated and you need someone to help you recover, it is considered a severe event. American Diabetes Association suggests that 150 minutes of moderately intense exercise per week is one of the best ways of managing diabetes. It is twice as effective as taking medication to prevent the onset or progression of type 2 Diabetes.