Diabetes treatment includes diet, exercise, and lowering blood sugar levels. Norton suggests half-a-cup of your favorite fruit juice such as apple, oranges, pineapple, or even cranberry juice. Wylie-Rosett says that it is important to avoid dehydration. Non-starchy veggies have about half the amount. Your health care team can assist with any temporary dose adjustments, as needed. High blood sugar levels can cause serious medical emergencies that can result in death or coma. She is passionately interested in natural, toxinless living, especially when it comes managing anxiety and chronic Lyme.(i.e. your cells' ability to absorb glucose from the body and use it for energy)Refined fats such as trans fats and vegetable oils like soybean, corn, and safflower oils can cause inflammation. Get emergency medical attention for readings in the danger zone plus high ketone levels, sustained high BGL, or symptoms of DKA or HHS. Take insulin before you eat or snack. My wife has been a type 2 diabetic for 35 years and takes insulin. She says that you can also buy them over-the counter in most grocery stores and pharmacies. Then, even if you have a little bread or pasta, your diet is still full of the stuff you need and your blood sugar shouldn't skyrocket. Your body converts every carb you consume into glucose, also known by blood sugar. Follow the test kit directions, checking the color of the test strip against the color chart in the kit to see your ketone level. Choose from 12 allied programs at School of Health Professions. The problem may be with either your blood sample or the machine.